Therapist offices and recording studios have more in common than meets the eye…or the ear. Both spaces need to be constructed with appropriate noise reduction or transmissive rated materials. The one size fits all mentality is a misconception when it comes to soundproofing. Often overlooked, this element of design is incredibly important. Sensitive conversations in an office or elevated sound in a recording studio both need proper noise cancelling technology that allow for overall comfort. When selecting the appropriate soundproofing material, there are three ratings to consider.

NRC- Noise Reduction Coefficient (Range 0-1.0)
Represents the amount of sound energy absorbed by soundproofing materials.

This rating lends a hand to help quiet down the room, by absorbing the sound and eliminating the elevated volume. An NRC rating means that more sound is being absorbed. Recording studios, gymnasiums and other venues that have increased volume levels would benefit from using materials with this soundproof rating, because sound absorption would cut back on overwhelming echoes that fill these spaces.

STC- Sound Transmission Class (Range 33-63)
Represents the effectiveness of soundproofing materials in reducing sound transmission between rooms

The higher the rating of STC, the more successful the material is at reducing sound from leaving the space. STC ratings are best suited for private offices where delicate topics such as business deals or therapy sessions happen to take place. This rating of soundproofing would not be found in spaces with increased noise levels.

IIC- Impact Isolation Class (Range 25-85)
Measures a floor assembly’s ability to absorb sound.

While the floor and ceiling structure have impact sound capabilities, flooring materials can enhance the acoustical rating. Carpeting, cork and vinyl tile with a foam interlayer are all effective in absorbing and deflecting sound.

Having a basic understanding of soundproofing not only helps keeps you informed, but it also creates a sound environment.

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